Monday, March 1, 2010


T is a physical and mental (psychological)dependence on drugs. Such drugs are habit-forming and in the most of the cause the drawl is difficult.


The chemicals which after the functioning of the body is called drugs. the drugs which affect the nervous system are called psychotropic drugs. These can be divided into two board categories.
1. Narcotics
They are depressants and decrease the activity of nervous system.
2. Stimulants
They increase the activity of nervous system . The psychotropic drugs on the basis of their action can be divided into four groups.
a. Sedatives and tranquillizers:
E.g. Barbiturates(used in sleeping pills), Valium, Diazeapam. They depress the nervous activity and produce relaxation and calmness. They are anti-anxiety drugs. The sedatives cause drowsiness and induce sleep. The tranquillizers are mood elevators and reduce tension. They do not induce sleep.
b. Opiate narcotics:
E.g. Opium, Morphine, Pathedine and Heroin etc. The are also depressants and the derivates of opium which is obtained from the pods of poppy plants. They do not induce sleep but they are used for their analgesic (pain reliving) effect. The addicted person develops euphoria. Heroin has been completely banned. It is 20-times more potent than opium. Heroin cause physical dependence and the withdrawal symptoms are fits and convulsion etc. Morphine is 10% more potent than Opium. The brown-sugar ( diacetly morphine Hydrochloride) is also a morphine derivative.Atropine, obtained from the leaves of Atropa belladona, is used by Ophthalmologists to dilate the pupil and paralyze the accommodation. If given internally, it is antagonistic to Morphine and Opium. A homeopathic medicine' also obtained from the roots and the leaves of the plant and has strong effect on nervous system.
c. Stimulants:
E.g. Amphetamines, Cocaine(crack), Caffeine, methamphetamine(commonly called Ice). They insincere the activity of nervous system. They cause awakening . Cocaine is the second most popular drug among the drug abusers. pep-pills are awakening pills which reduce appetite.
They are being used by weight conscious people for reducing their body weight. Caffeine, present in Tea and Coffee, is only a stimulant. All such stimulants cause psychological dependence and not physical dependence, so the withdrawal symptoms are not strong.
d. Hallucinogens:
E.g. Bang, Charas (Hashes), Ganga, Marijuana and LSD etc. Such drugs cause illusion/delusion (Hallucination) and change the feelings perceptions. The persons having Hallucination-effect claim that 'they can see the sound and can hear the colors. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
is the most potent hallucinogen. Most LSD victims commit suicide. LSD is obtained from Ergot fungus(Clavicep purpurea). The Bhang, charas and ganga are obtained from hemp plant (Cannabis Stativus). The effects of psychotropic drugs is intensified if they are consumed with Alcohol. Some of the drugs can even be fatal.

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